Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cowboys Path to Superbowl XLVI - Bleacher Report

By (Member) on May 14, 2011

For the last five years the NFL has been sitting, watching and waiting for the Dallas Cowboys, a team full of talent and star players, to make a legitimate run for the Superbowl.   Each year the Cowboys are bombarded with expectations of winning the Superbowl only to fall far short each time.  The 2011 season could finally be that year where they no longer fail, but reach the promise land and hoist that Lombardi trophy over their heads.  Here are the tools and weapons that Dallas has to make that Superbowl run a reality, and the path that they will have to walk in order to get there.

QB – Tony Romo

The pressure is somewhat off of Romo coming into the 2011 NFL season.  I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on that, but hear me out.  I know Romo is coming off of an injury that made him miss almost the entire 2010 season, and I know that in the six games he did play he went 1-5 but we need to remember a few things.  First, each one of those games was within seven points, all of them were games the Boys could have won.  Second the running game was nonexistent, the O-Line was crap (stupid Alex Barron and the stupid hold against the stupid Washington Redskins in stupid week one… AH! … who does that? Why Alex Barron? Why? ALEX BARRON!!!).  Romo was the Dallas Cowboys offence in each of those six games, he did it all.  This year, Garrett is in charge and he is most likely going to run a more balanced offensive attack.  With the running game playing a more crucial role and the Offensive Line playing well, the game will not rest solely on the shoulders of Romo.  If this can happen, Romo will feel more comfortable and the Cowboys will win some more games.

HB – Felix Jones

It’s time… we knew this day was coming… Marion Barber is out and it’s time for Felix Jones to become that star of this Dallas running attack.  Jones and Choice will make a huge impact as the dynamic-duo and Garrett will use rookie HB DeMarco Murray to mix things up.  With these three backs, Dallas looks like one of the best running teams in the NFL.  If Garrett takes advantage of this the Cowboys are going to have a scary good offence.  Scary good.

WR – Miles Austin and Dez Bryant

To be honest, I see Bryant becoming the first choice between him and Miles for Romo in 2011.  Austin will become a deep threat receiver for Romo because of his powerful legs and elusiveness.  Austin can run over, and run around most of the DBs in the NFL and this will create some huge home runs for the Cowboys.  Dez is the future of this Cowboys franchise and with Roy Williams as the #3 they look good.  A lot of people say that Williams isn't good… I would disagree.  Williams is a great receiver and he showed this in 2010.  In the Saints game, Williams was brilliant, he had one mistake… he got stripped near the goal line on a play that would most likely win the Cowboys the game… after that everyone forgot about the game he played and jumped back on the “I hate Roy Williams” band wagon.  Dallas has one of, if not, the best receiving groups in the NFL .  Between Romo, the Jones/Choice combo and the Austin/Bryant duo… Dallas has the potential to be the best Cowboys offence in the team’s history.

TE – Jason Witten

Does he do anything wrong? Seriously? Witten is the ONLY guy on this Cowboys team that has never really disappointed me.  Witten will always be a constant contributor to the Cowboys… no ifs ands or buts about it… he is the man.

Offensive Line

This might be my boldest prediction for the 2011 Cowboys… the O-Line is going to do great (gasp).  Yup that’s right, I think the Cowboys offensive line is going to be great in 2011.  You know why? Two reasons… First, stupid Alex Barron won’t start (I really don’t like Alex Barron if you didn’t already gather that from the first slide), and second, Jason Garrett.  Wade Phillips was soft (literally he’s like the Pillsbury dough boy… only old and not cute) he wasn’t tough enough on his players and we could see that on the football field.  Jason Garrett is.  Garrett won’t take crappy blocking and he will get results.  The o-line was the weakest link in the 2010 Cowboys offense and will be the primary focus during the offseason from the offensive side of things.


I’m going to lump the defense together here.  Everyone but the DB’s should improve without changing the lineup because Ryan and Garrett will make them.  These guys are tough coaches and expect players of this caliber to play football, and play it well.  Tough coaching causes tough defense.  But as for the secondary… holy crap! We need some serious help!  I believe Newman will be included with the rest of the defense when it comes to improving under Ryan, but that’s only one guy out of the entire secondary.  The Cowboys must sign some new DB’s and the best way to do this is to sign BOTH Nnamdi Asomugha and Michael Huff.  So… here is my attempt at making this happen…

                Dear Mr. Jerry Jones

                                Please sign both Nnamdi Asomugha and Michael Huff.  You toss around money like nobody’s business… but lately… it hasn’t been helping too much.  You have an opportunity to fix all our problems and make us the best team in the NFL… DO IT!  Please, if you love the Cowboys… and if you love the fans of the Cowboys, the devoted, never failing fans of the Cowboys you will do this.  We put up with all your crap… like getting rid of Jimmy Johnson AND the great late Tom Landry (who by the way is the best coach EVER and you just said… see ya) what the crap man! So do us a favor… sign these guys and fix our secondary.

                Thanks you,

                                ~ Mike

@ New York Jets

Strengths:  Run Game, Pass Defense

The Jets have been only one win away from an AFC Championship the last two seasons, so they’re no slumps, but Dallas has the tools to beat them.  The Cowboys can walk away from a win if they run the ball, avoiding Revis is a must.  If Dallas lets Jones and Choice run the ball and they don’t turn the ball over then they can put up some points.  On defense, Dallas needs to slow down the running attack and blitz Sanchez.  Disrupting the backfield is the key to winning this game.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 24-13 (1-0)

@ San Francisco 49ers

Strengths:  Passing Game, Run Defense

Well the 49ers may not be a hard team to beat… they still have some key players that should not be ignored.  Smith should have a much better season in 2011 they he has in the past, Jim Harbaugh will shape him into a great QB, and with a target like Davis, the 49ers passing game could be very dangerous.  Along with a decent passing attack, the 49ers have some great linebackers in Takeo Spikes and Patrick Willis.  If Dallas wants to win this game they have to put some serious pressure on Smith, force him to make bad throws and Dallas can get some turnovers.  On the offensive side of things, running a balanced offensive attack will win the game.  Play action will be helpful, as well as running outside.  With speedy backs like Jones and Murray, getting around the tackles can pick up huge chunks of yards against this 49ers defense.  Utilizing the deep pass with Austin will also make for some big plays.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 34-10 (2-0)

Washington Redskins

Strengths: HA!

The Redskins are in a rebuilding stage, and have been for the last 12 years, but this could be the worst they have ever been.  No running game, no QB (unless they get a good free agent pick like Kolb), no great defenders other than Hall.  Dallas is going to have a great time racking up the points.  On Defense, blitz and blitz often, force turnovers and they could get a shutout.  On the offensive side, run the play action all day.  They can’t stop the run, and as soon as they try Dallas can take it to the air and burn them deep.  This is going to be a fun one to watch… cause I really don’t like the Redskins and seeing Dallas run up the score would make me just so happy.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 42-0 (3-0)

Detroit Lions

Strengths: Passing Offence, Run Defense

With Suh and Fairley the Lions became relevant in the NFL.  Say goodbye to running up the middle… and with Stafford healthy and tossing the ball to Calvin Johnson… this is going to be a hard game.   On defense, Dallas needs to put pressure on Stafford and play tight on Johnson.  Eliminate Johnson as an option and Stafford doesn’t have a guaranteed option. Best is a good back too, he’s no slouch, watch for the run with the middle linebackers, that’s the only way to beat this offence.  On the flip side, Suh and Fairley are really the only tools Detroit has on defense.  Dallas can use their speedy backs to run the ball outside and they can pass the ball all day on the weak Detroit secondary.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 27-24 (4-0)  


Week off... time to sit back and enjoy a 4-0 record...

@ New England Patriots

Strength: Passing offence, passing defense

This will be the hardest game Dallas will have to play.  The Patriots are a great team, and they don’t show much sign of slowing down.  Brady is going to be an issue, and no matter how much pressure Dallas sends at him, he’s still going to get the ball to the open receiver, and when he’s not tossing the ball, the Pats are running with the Law Firm.  Defensively, Dallas needs to shut down Brady’s options, don’t give him somebody to throw to, if Dallas can do that and send pressure at Brady they can stop the Patriots dangerous passing game.  The linebackers have to watch out for New England’s great TEs and they need to look to stop the run.  It’s not going to be any easy game for the Dallas D.  On offense, clock management is how the Cowboys can walk away with a win.  Running the ball and keeping the clock ticking keeps the ball moving, and out of the hands of Tom Brady.  If Dallas can do all these things, they can beat the Patriots and make headlines, but I don’t think it’s going happen… as much as I hate to say it… Dallas is going to lose…

Outcome: Dallas Loses 10-17 (4-1)

St. Louis Rams

Strength: Passing offence, running defense

The Rams are going to be a great team someday… just not in 2011.  Bradford is a great quarterback and can pull this Rams team really far (especially considering he gets to play the Cardinals and the Seahawks twice each) but in reality, the Rams don’t have any targets for him to throw to, and on defense, they aren’t really that scary, at least not for the Dallas Cowboys offense.  Dallas needs to put some pressure on Bradford, force bad throws and they can get some turnovers.  Dallas can pass the ball a lot against the Rams, Romo can dump the ball off to Jones, Choice, Witten, Bryant, Austin and Murray and let them break some tackles and work their way up field and Dallas will win this game for sure.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 31-6 (5-1)

@ Philadelphia Eagles

Strengths: Passing offense, passing defense

This is going to be two of the hardest games for the Cowboys.  But they can put together a win if they stay focused.  Vick is dangerous, he is more than just a running QB, he can pass now, and he’s got a great target in DeSean Jackson.  Dallas needs to play zone to contain the speedy Jackson, and they can’t afford to blitz because Vick can outrun everyone on the Dallas D.  Keeping a spy on Vick and not allowing the long ball will stop the Eagles offense.  On the other side of things, the Eagles don’t have a terrible defense, but Dallas can wear them down and out play them.  If Dallas keeps the ball moving with a balanced running attack and the occasional deep pass and they don’t turn the ball over, then they can walk away with a win.  But playing in Philly is not easy task… Philadelphia will most likely win this game, but Dallas will put up a great fight

Outcome: Dallas Loses 24-28 (5-2)

Seattle Seahawks

Strengths: Running offense

With the possible departure of Matt Hasselbeck, the Seahawks lost a big piece of their offense.  Marshawn Lynch can be a big impact player, and will most likely be their primary weapon.  Defensively the Seahawks aren’t too great.  Dallas can stop the run easy, that’s the only thing Seattle has, and offensively they can really do whatever they want, so long as they keep away from Tatupu.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 38-3 (6-2)

Buffalo Bills

Strengths: LOL!

When the Detroit Lions went 0-16 I thought, there is no way a team can ever be this bad… then I considered the Buffalo Bills and their 2011 season… I don’t think Detroit will be the only 0-16 team after the 2011 season folks… they are that bad… and Dallas is going to do whatever they want… all day… the best part about playing the Bills after killing the Seahawks is that next week Dallas plays the Redskins… HA! This schedule is just way too easy.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 45-0 (7-2)

@ Washington Redskins

Round 2… HAHAHA!!!

Outcome: Dallas Wins 35-10 (8-2)

Miami Dolphins

Strengths: Running offense

The Dolphins could be good in 2011, but with what could be the loss of their running duo and an inconsistent leader at the quarterback position, I doubt it.  In order to win, Dallas needs to blitz a lot, cause confusion for whoever the QB is and force him to make poor choices.  If Miami’s running duo isn’t back then they should be able to control the run.  Miami’s D isn’t anything special either.  Dallas will be able to score at will against another soft team.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 34-9 (9-2)

@ Arizona Cardinals

Strengths: Passing offense

What do the Cardinals have… Larry Fitzgerald… and that’s it.  Depending on who goes to Arizona next year as their new QB, Dallas won’t have much of a challenge.  Sending the blitz will force bad throws, and covering Larry tight takes away the only real threat.  Much like Miami, Washington, Buffalo and Seattle the Cardinals defense isn’t going to be able to do anything to this Cowboys offense.  Dallas should be able to score at will.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 45-6 (10-2)

New York Giants

Strengths: Running offense, running defense

I always love the Giants Cowboys game for two reasons 1) they are usually fighting over the #1 spot in the NFC East and 2) my little brother is a Giants fan and we get to fight about who’s going to win all week long two times every season.

Depending on if New York can keep both of their running backs or even one will determine if they will be good.  Manning can keep the team a float if he needs to, but he isn’t his brother, and they won’t be able to be a dominating force solely on the arm of Eli.  Dallas is more talented on both sides of the ball and they will be able to control this game, but it won’t be easy especially considering its late in the season and Dallas, New York and Philly are all probably fighting against each other for the NFC East title.  Dallas has to keep the pressure on Eli, and force him to make poor decisions.  Romo is going to have to steal the show and light up the Giants secondary using short passes to build yards and then tossing the long bomb to Miles.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 34-28 (11-2)

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Strengths: Passing offense, defense

The Bucs quickly rebuilt themselves and are once again a hard team to beat defensively, but they have some holes.  Josh Freeman has been great, but he’s still young and with DeMarcus Ware running at him, he won’t do great.  In order to win the Cowboys D can’t allow anything.  From the offensive side of the ball the Cowboys need to run the ball and slow down the Bucs D, once they do that they can toss the long ball deep on the opposite side of Barber and they can score some late game TDs.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 24-17 (12-2)

Philadelphia Eagles

Round 2

After and hard defensive team like Tampa, Philly won’t seem as hard the second time around.  Dallas will stick to the same game plan as before, running the zone and not allowing any room for Vick to use his feet and Dallas will come away with a big win that potentially puts them above the Eagles in the NFC East

Outcome: Dallas Wins 28-17 (13-2)

@ New York Giants

Round 2

This will be a must win game for Dallas.  If Dallas can win against the Giants they will beat the Eagles for the #1 spot in the NFC East and clinch the #1 spot in the NFC and a bye in the playoffs.  Last year, with Wade Phillips as the head coach, Dallas would have lost for sure, but in 2011 with Jason Garrett… Dallas will win (sorry Nate).  It will be close especially considering they’re playing in New York, but Dallas not only wants this win… they need it.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 20-14 (14-2)

Divisional Championship


After Philadelphia beat the NFC West champion St. Louis Rams in the wild card round they will advance to the Divisional round of the NFC playoffs.  Dallas and Philly will put together a hard fought game that will be fun to watch, but because Dallas has a better defense and more weapons on offense Dallas will win and advance to the NFC Championship for the first time in 16 years.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 28-23

NFC Championship


The Packers, who were the #3 seed, beat the New Orleans Saints in the wild card round and then outlasted the Atlanta Falcons to get to their second NFC Championship game in a row.  The Green Bay Packers will be the hardest team to beat all season long for the Cowboys.  As long as Dallas keeps the pressure on Rogers and they don’t allow Driver or Jennings the Cowboys should stop the Packers offense.  The Cowboys offense will be tested against one of the leagues hardest defenses.  As long as the Cowboys run often and don’t turn the ball over, then they can win.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 17-14

Superbowl XLVI

New England Patriots

The rematch.  Dallas played the Patriots early in the season and it resulted in the Cowboys first loss… but this time, Dallas can pull out the victory.  Dallas has to be flawless, like any Superbowl champion team.  Ware needs to blitz and force bad throws from Brady, the secondary needs to play tight relentless defense, the defense as a whole can’t miss tackles. Romo needs to make quick decisions and they need to be good ones, he needs to get the ball to his star receivers like Dez and Miles, the running game needs to work hard and the O-Line needs to be on their A game.  So long as Dallas does what they’ve been doing all season long, they will win Superbowl XLVI.

Outcome: Dallas Wins 31-28 (Romo is Superbowl MVP)

Dallas has the skill to win the Superbowl, as long as the Boys stay focused and keep their goal of a Superbowl victory in front of them they will be champions.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Bucs' stock rising with oddsmakers for 2011 -

By IRA KAUFMAN | The Tampa Tribune
Published: May 13, 2011
Updated: May 13, 2011 - 7:33 PM

TAMPA – Last year's surprising 10-6 finish has dramatically changed the betting odds surrounding the Tampa Bay Buccaneers heading into the 2011 season.

A year ago, coming off a 3-13 slate, the Bucs were listed as 300-1 longshots to win the Super Bowl and faced 25-1 odds to capture the NFC South.

But with young quarterback Josh Freeman leading the way, Tampa Bay tied a franchise record by going 6-2 on the road and barely missed out on the final NFC playoff spot after winning in New Orleans for the second consecutive season.

"Just looking at the Bucs, they have the offensive core to be a contending team,'' said Las Vegas Hilton sportsbook manager Jay Kornegay. "With Freeman, Mike Williams and LeGarrette Blount, they contain the offensive weapons to move the ball. The weaknesses they had, mainly on the defensive line, were addressed in the draft. Only time will tell if these players can actually make a difference.''

The Bucs are now listed at 30-1 to win 2012 Super Bowl at Indianapolis. And while Atlanta and New Orleans are 6-5 co-favorites to win the division, Tampa Bay's odds have shrunk to 4-1, with Carolina the NFC South longshot at 20-1.

Kornegay said the Las Vegas Hilton will post predicted over-under win totals for each team by the end of May. That number was 5.5 for the Bucs a year ago, but Tampa Bay registered its sixth win by mid-November before going on to post the biggest turnaround in the NFL last season.

"However, the 10-6 record is misleading since they didn't beat anyone with a winning record until the Saints at the end of the season,'' Kornegay said. "Some look at them as 'fool's gold,' but we like them. We think Freeman is the real deal and can lead this team to the playoffs.''

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Kellie Pickler to Perform Opening Number for IPL 500 Festival Parade

The 500 Festival announced today that former Idol Kellie Pickler will perform the opening number for the IPL 500 Festival Parade. Kellie will be singing her new unreleased single, "Tough," from her upcoming 19 Entertainment/BNA Records release. Accompanying Kellie in the opening festivities are the Indianapolis Children's Choir and Anita's Dance Companies of Wisconsin. After the opening number, Kellie will ride in the Parade. The IPL 500 Festival Parade is Saturday, May 28 at noon in downtown Indianapolis.

Since finishing in sixth place during season five, Kellie has gone on to a successful career in country music. In 2006 she released her first album, certified gold Small Town Girl. In 2008, she released her self-titled sophomore album producing the hit singles "Don't You Know You're Beautiful", "Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You" and "Best Days of Your Life," which sold more than one million digital singles. On January 1 of this year, Kellie eloped with Kyle Jacobs and they were married on a private island in the Caribbean.

More than 300,000 spectators are expected to line the two-mile parade route to see the 33 starting drivers of the 2011 Indianapolis 500 , more than 80 specialty units, floats, marching bands, giant inflatable balloons and costumed characters.

Themed "Miles of Memories: Celebrating the Most Important Race in History" this year's parade is a true representation of the power and pageantry of the month of May - a Hoosier tradition for 54 years with a television package that will bolster the Parade's national presence. The IPL 500 Festival Parade will be televised nationally on the VERSUS Cable Network. Check your local listings for time and channel number.

Tickets ... read more

Source: "American Idol 10 Live Feed" via Glen in Google Reader

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Earn American Idol Stickers on GetGlue

GetGlue, the fastest growing social network for entertainment, allows you to virtually check-in to their app as you watch American Idol. Get all-new American Idol stickers when you check in while watching this week's show.

Who will be sent home tonight on American Idol? Check-in to tonight's episode on to earn a sticker that will switch to the departed contestant's image tomorrow:

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Source: "American Idol 10 Live Feed" via Glen in Google Reader

Faneca lines up retirement - Boston Globe

Alan Faneca made no secret in the final weeks of the 2010 season that it could well be his last in the rugged trenches of the NFL.

Yesterday, the eight-time All-Pro guard announced his retirement after 13 years in the league.

“From the dog days of training camp to winning a Super Bowl the memories are endless,’’ Faneca said in a statement released through his agent Rick Smith. “The greatest memory that I will leave the game with is all of the lifelong friendships I have made.’’

The former Steelers and Jets standout played last season with the Cardinals. Faneca started every game his last nine seasons and finished with a streak of 144 consecutive games played.

“It’s incredible considering the brutality of the position he’s played, especially with as much pulling as he’s done in his career,’’ said Arizona coach Ken Whisenhunt, who was on the Steelers coaching staff for six of Faneca’s seasons there.

Faneca, 34, was named All-Pro from 2001 through 2008 and was a Pro Bowl starter from 2001 through 2009.

Vikings eye suburbs The owners of the Minnesota Vikings said that the team’s future is in the suburbs, announcing a deal with Ramsey County to collaborate on a $1.1 billion retractable-roof stadium about 10 miles north of the Metrodome.

The deal between appeared to end the debate over the where to put a new stadium, at least from the team’s perspective. But how to fund the facility remains a major question. The plan calls for a new stadium at the site of a former Army ammunitions plant in Arden Hills, about 10 miles northeast of downtown Minneapolis. It proposes an $884 million stadium and an additional $173 million for infrastructure.

The third leg of the funding stool, a proposed $300 million from the state plus another $100 million in transportation improvements, was in question after a key lawmaker called the transportation money a “non-starter.’’

Study targets helmets Nearly 40 percent of NFL players last season wore a helmet model that got the second-lowest rating for reducing the risk of concussions in a study by Virginia Tech researchers.

Riddell’s VSR-4 helmet received just one star in a study of football helmets led by Virginia Tech professor of biomedical engineering Stefan Duma. Another Riddell model — the Revolution Speed — was the only helmet that earned five stars, the top rating.

According to Riddell, 38 percent of NFL players wore the low-rated VSR-4 in 2010 and 39 percent wore one of the various models under the Riddell Revolution name.

Bush: Just kidding Reggie Bush insisted he was only joking when he stirred up fans with posts on his Twitter account about enjoying free time during the NFL lockout. The timing of the posts heightened criticism of Bush because the flashy running back has been absent from workouts organized by quarterback Drew Brees, which have drawn several dozen Saints players to Tulane’s football facilities . . . Redskins defensive lineman Albert Haynesworth did not grope a waitress at a hotel bar and intends to fight the accusations, his lawyer said in entering a not guilty plea to a misdemeanor charge of sexual abuse . . . Chad Ochocinco, the Bengals receiver who earlier this year had a tryout with Sporting Kansas City of Major League Soccer, has accepted a challenge from Professional Bull Riders chief operating officer Sean Gleason to ride a bull at the LucasOil Invitational this weekend in Duluth, Ga.

© Copyright 2011 Globe Newspaper Company.

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Source: "Super Bowl 2011" via Glen in Google Reader

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Steelers in depth: Time to cash in on Ben Roethlisberger's prime - USA Today

Steelers in depth: Time to cash in on Ben Roethlisberger's prime

The NFL lockout has dampened the usual offseason analysis of each team's comings and goings. But, lockout or not, the league will still be moving on at some point -- hopefully in time for the 2011 regular season to start on time on Sept. 8. And during the labor impasse, USA TODAY will focus back on the field by breaking down the five biggest questions facing each team for the 2011 season.

Up today: The Pittsburgh Steelers (previously: New Orleans Saints)

1. Are the Steelers better equipped than most teams to handle the lockout and get up to speed whenever it ends?

This lockout experience is new to all, but the Steelers are no strangers to a major disruption of their offseason. Just last year, they dealt with months of uncertainties surrounding quarterback Ben Roethlisberger's legal issues. They started the season with him suspended for four games. They took major injury hits. And they still made it to the Super Bowl. In the current situation, they have their usual stable coaching staff headed by Mike Tomlin, a proven quarterback in Roethlisberger and a roster loaded with veterans. Predicting post-lockout performance is risky at best, but the Steelers have demonstrated they can handle the unusual.

2. Can Pittsburgh's aging line continue to anchor the team's 3-4 defense?

The Steelers are getting older up front., But in typical fashion for the franchise they have addressed that in their last two drafts. In September, nose tackle Casey Hampton will be 34 and end Brett Keisel will be 33. The other end who opened last season as a starter, Aaron Smith, is 35. He played in six games last season before being sidelined by an arm injury. In 2009, a shoulder injury limited him to five games. But Ziggy Hood, a first-round pick in 2009, stepped in for Smith last season and played solidly. The Steelers' first-round pick this year was defensive end Cameron Heyward from Ohio State. It all starts up front in the 3-4. How well the older players hold up physically will be something to monitor. But the youngsters are in the mix.

3. What's the biggest question mark on defense?

The status of unsigned cornerback Ike Taylor. He's been a starter the past six seasons. He fits a defensive scheme that requires cornerbacks to cover, tackle and rush the quarterback. If the Steelers lose Taylor via free agency, he will leave a hole. Pittsburgh drafted two cornerbacks this year in Curtis Brown of Texas (third round) and Cortez Allen of the Citadel (fourth round). But they figure to be works in progress in seasons ahead. Much will hinge on whether they can keep Taylor.

4. What about Roethlisberger's supporting cast?

The running backs are solid, the line is in flux as usual and the receivers will need continued development from some younger players.

In addition to Roethlisberger being suspended at the start of last season, the Steelers traded away deep-threat wide receiver Santonio Holmes. In his second season, Mike Wallace stepped up with 1,257 receiving yards and 10 touchdowns. Last year, rookie receivers Emmanuel Sanders and Antonio Brown showed promise. The Steelers still have veteran Hines Ward at receiver and Heath Miller at tight end. But Pittsburgh will need the young receivers to step up again.

Up front, the Steelers lost one starting tackle, Willie Colon, to injury before the 2010 season started. They lost their other tackle, Max Starks, to injury after seven games. Colon is unsigned. Starks is expected to return. Flozell Adams, a veteran signed as an emergency replacement at tackle before last season, could also be in the mix. And the Steelers used their second-round draft pick on tackle Marcus Gilbert of Florida. In the middle, center Maurkice Pouncey from Florida is the anchor after making the Pro Bowl as a rookie.

At running back, Rashard Mendenhall is coming off a 1,257-yard, 13-touchdown season. Second-year pro Isaac Redman made some key plays last season. Third-down back Mewelde Moore in unsigned. In the seventh round this year, the Steelers drafted Texas Tech running back Baron Batch, who fits the mold of a third-down back.

5. With Roethlisberger in his prime, do the Steelers say committed to running the ball?

This will be interesting to watch. In 2009, with Roethlisberger (now 29) throwing for a career-high 4,328 yards, the Steelers slipped to 19th in the league in rushing (112.1 yards per game). Last season, without Roethlisberger out the first four games, they climbed to 11th in rushing ( 120.2 yards per game). This is a franchise that historically has been committed to running the ball well. This also is a new football era. The Green Bay Packers beat Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl last season with a running game that ranked 24th in the regular season. If the young receivers continue to improve, this could be another big year for the passing game. The Steelers still will want to be able to use the running game to protect a fourth-quarter lead and put an opponent away. But they could well tilt more toward the pass to build those leads. That the nature of NFL offense in 2011 -- provided there is a 2011 season.

See photos of: NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers, Ben Roethlisberger

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Source: "Super Bowl 2011" via Glen in Google Reader

New Billboard #1s from Kelly, Fantasia, JHud, and Carrie

Four of American Idol's top women had new #1 hits on the Billboard chat this week.

American Idol Kelly Clarkson has a new #1. Her single, "Don't You Wanna Stay," with Jason Aldean reached #1 on the Hot Country Songs Recurrents chart.Kelly is the Idol with the most #1 hits at 60. Season 3's American Idol, Fantasia, has two new #1's!Her single, "I'm Doing Me," reached #1 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Recurrents chart and the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay Recurrents chart. Billboard charts are either based on sales, airplay, or a combination of sales & airplay. The Recurrents charts are for older songs that are still receiving airplay on the radio, even though they are not current. The American Idols have now accumulated 298 #1s to date, counting all national, domestic charts compiled by the Billboard Information Group.

The previous week, Season 3's Jennifer Hudson achieved a new #1 with her single, "Where You At," from her I Remember Me album on the Adult R&B chart.Season 4's American Idol, Carrie Underwood, has two new #1's.Her single "How Great Thou Art" reached #1 on the Christian Digital Songs chart and the Christian/Gospel Digital songs chart.

Here is a list of all the Idols who have had No. 1 hits, ... read more

Source: "American Idol 10 Live Feed" via Glen in Google Reader

Take a Virtual Set Tour with Ryan

Host Ryan Seacrest takes you on an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the American Idol Season 10 set. Go on a VIP tour as Ryan takes you backstage, on stage, and in rooms that very few people have access to!

You'll also find out some humorous stories from Ryan, including one about Season 2's Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken, and you'll see plenty of familiar faces!

Take the virtual tour with Ryan!

Source: "American Idol 10 Live Feed" via Glen in Google Reader

Happy Birthday, Rickey Smith!

Rickey Smith, the always smiling Season 2 finalist, was known on the show for his personality, humor (who could forget "Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!"?), and smooth R&B voice. Although he was compared to the singers like Brian McKnight and R. Kelly, Rickey actually has formal training in opera, and hoped to go down the opera route after American Idol.

After making it to eighth place on the show, Rickey was able to go on tour with the Season 2 finalists, and then he settled in Los Angeles for a few years to pursue his music career. Then, Rickey moved back to Oklahoma to finish school, but he still sings and entertains often. He even appeared in Season 9 semi-finalist Todrick Hall's Oz, The Musical with Season 4 Idol finalists Mikalah Gordon, Vonzell Solomon, and Scott Savol.

Happy Birthday, Rickey!

Take a walk down memory lane with the Season 2 photo gallery.

Source: "American Idol 10 Live Feed" via Glen in Google Reader

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jacob Lusk's Season 10 Journey

The morning after Jacob Lusk was eliminated in fifth place, he opened up to the press on a conference call. The 23-year-old opened up about his swan song performance, "God Bless The Child," and his future album.

Jacob Lusk landed on the American Idol radar during Season 10's Hollywood auditions. His rendition of "God Bless The Child" was called "the single best performance on Idol ever" by judge Randy Jackson. Jacob explained, "I went out there and I don't know if anyone noticed, but I changed one of the lyrics in the song. When I ended, I said 'God bless the child that's got his own; I need my own. My Momma may have, my Poppa may have, but I need my own,' and that's really why I sang it. I was tired and I didn't want to go back home to my normal life and I had to have my own...Everybody has theirs. You know JLo has hers. Steven had his and I wanted mine. And that's really where I sing it from. I didn't want to struggle any more. I didn't want to have to wonder where my next meal was going to come from. I didn't want to wonder where I was going to live or if I was going to have enough money to pay rent and now I don't have to worry about that ever again."

Post-elimination, Jacob gave a celebratory performance, and even as the cameras stopped rolling, ... read more

Source: "American Idol 10 Live Feed" via Glen in Google Reader

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